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2016 King of the Track Racers Announced

The Top 8 racers in each of the 4 bracket classes will be paired up at the final race of the year on November 8th for the Special King of the Track Wally and of course a lot of bragging rights.

Super Pro

1. Angelo Sanchez   vs   8. Gary Mills

2. Lloyd Salveson   vs  7. Doug Cash

3. Tony Lukesh   vs   6. Ned Parson

4.  Dave Shipman   vs   5. Kevin Chambers

alternates:  Marvin Sanchez, Travis Edwards



1. Max Tafoya   vs   8. Ray Molina

2. Wayne Matthews   vs  7. Daniel Winard

3. Vic Blea   vs   6. Manny Blea III

4.  Steve Maas   vs   5. Ken Lukesh

alternates:  Mike Stewart, Ron Rios


1. Ron Rios  vs   8. James Fine

2. Jay Jones   vs  7. Richard Vargas

3. Monte Toledo   vs   6. Erika Martinez

4.  Russ Hines   vs   5. Reyes Romero

alternates:  Mauricio Ramirez, Andy Vargas

Jr Dragster

1. Juston Van Ostrand   vs   8. Brenda Avilez

2. Madison Tuck   vs  7. Ben Tuck

3. Allena Braden   vs   6. DJ Jaramillo

4.  Sammy Martinez   vs   5. Brianna Bogle

alternates:  Lannette Blea, Pat Miller

Alternates:  If a racer is not able to attend the race, the first alternate will assume their place on the ladder.  If a second racer can not attend, the second alternate will assume their place.  If a 3rd racer can not attend there will be no alternate.


1st alternate will take place of the lowest qualified missing racer, the 2nd alternate will take place of the next highest missing racer.

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